Creations validity

I paint with bright colours that exude warmth over the blank canvas, covering the fact that emptiness is the foundation of why I create.

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Launch of At the Heart of It All: volume 1

At the Heart of It All: volume 1, is a poetry collection that invites readers to explore the intimate corners of their hearts. This poetry book delves into themes of love, sadness, healing, identity, and the emotional complexities that shape our lives.

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The pursuit

She playfully runs through the fields, so he can try to catch her, secretly testing his ability of pursuit and measuring the size of his fondness.

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Mind getaway

At 5 pm, on a rainy winter's day, you return from an intense day of work. It's been a day filled with the voices of many, drowning out your own thoughts. You've faced a heavy workload and the weight of expectations from others, leaving you feeling like everyone depends on you, even when you struggle to rely on yourself at times.

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